Blog by Rev. Brown

Weblog by the former pastor of CURC, Rev. Michael Brown.

Good Friday Service on MARCH 30 at 7.00pm

On Friday, March 30 at 7.00pm, a special worship service will be called in commemoration of our Lord's suffering, death, and burial. We will hear the historic events from the gospels and respond with prayer and song. Similar to our annual "Service of Lessons & Carols" on Christmas Eve, the Good Friday Service of Lessons & Psalms will have seven lessons from Scripture and seven songs (all psalms) corresponding to the lessons. Each lesson will contain a reading and a short exposition of the passage. Each psalm we sing prophesies of the events recorded in the Gospels. The service will also begin and end with passion hymns. So, come to sing and hear of how our Lord loved us and gave himself for us! "Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!" The service is as follows:




HYMN OF PRAISE: "O Sacred Head Now Wounded"

FIRST LESSON: Trial - John 18.28-40 PSALM OF RESPONSE: Psalm 41.7-10 [tune: "Dundee"]

SECOND LESSON: Torture - Matthew 27.24-34 PSALM OF RESPONSE: Psalm 69.7-11 [tune: "Grafenberg"]

THIRD LESSON: Crucifixion - John 19.17-24, 28 PSALM OF RESPONSE: Psalm 22.12-18 [tune: "Hebron"]

FOURTH LESSON: Reviling - Mark 15.25-32 PSALM OF RESPONSE: Psalm 109.1-4, 21-27 [tune: "Nettleton"]

FIFTH LESSON: Rejection - Matthew 27.45-49 PSALM OF RESPONSE: Psalm 22.1-8 [tune: "Hebron"]

SIXTH LESSON: Death - Luke 23.44-49 PSALM OF RESPONSE: Psalm 34.15-20 [tune: "Eventide"]

SEVENTH LESSON: Burial - John 19.31-42 PSALM OF RESPONSE: Psalm 16.8-11 [tune: "Leominster"]



HYMN OF PRAISE: "Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted"


Michael Brown