This is the evening sermon for May 31, 2020.
Luke 24:13-48
Heidelberg Catechism, Lord's Day 6
Suggested Songs are:
95C Now with Joyful Exaltation
397 Breathe on Me Breath of God
400 Gracious Spirit, Dwell with Me
Current AM Series: Faith and Life
Current PM Series: The Life of Elijah
This is the evening sermon for May 31, 2020.
Luke 24:13-48
Heidelberg Catechism, Lord's Day 6
Suggested Songs are:
95C Now with Joyful Exaltation
397 Breathe on Me Breath of God
400 Gracious Spirit, Dwell with Me
This is the morning sermon for May 31, 2020.
Suggested Songs are:
22C Amid the Thronging Worshipers
392 Holy Ghost, Dispel Our Sadness
393 Spirit of God, Dwell Thou within My Heart
This is the evening sermon for May 24, 2020
Romans 2:1-11
Heidelberg Catechism, Lord's Day 5
Suggested Songs are:
325 “All Glory, Laud, and Honor”
282 “I Greet Thee, Who My Sure Redeemer Art”
498 “I Will Sing of My Redeemer”
This is the morning sermon for May 24, 2020
Psalm 122
Suggested Songs are:
48A “Great Is the Lord Our God”
84C “O Lord of Hosts, How Lovely”
468 “Jerusalem the Golden”
This is the evening sermon for May 17, 2020
Exodus 34:1-9
Heidelberg Catechism, Lord's Day 4
Suggested Songs are:
150C Sing Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
80B Great Shepherd Who Leadest Thy People
277 Before the Throne of God Above
This is the morning sermon for May 17, 2020
Psalm 121
Suggested Songs are:
236 To God Be the Glory
121A I Lift My Eyes Up to the Hills
463 O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus!
Psalm 8
Heidelberg Catechism, Lord's Day 3
Suggested Songs:
216 “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty”
79B “Remember Not, O God”
435 “Not What My Hands Have Done”
This is the morning sermon for May 10, 2020
Psalm 120
Suggested Songs:
22C “Amid the Thronging Worshippers”
120 “I Called Upon the Lord in My Distress” (#393 as an alternate tune)
387 “Day of Judgment! Day of Wonders!”
This is the evening sermon for May 3, 2020
Romans 3:9-20
Heidelberg Catechism, Lord's Day 2
Suggested Songs are:
32B “How Blest Is He Whose Trespass”
51C “God Be Merciful To Me”
510 “Come Ye, Disconsolate”
This is the morning sermon for May 3, 2020
Suggested Songs are:
30 “O Lord, I Will Extol You”
364 “Alleluia! Alleluia!”
100B “All People That On Earth Do Dwell”
This is the evening sermon for April 26, 2020
Matthew 22:15-22
Romans 13:1-7
Belgic Confession, Article 36
Suggested Songs:
8C Lord, Our Lord, Thy Glorious Name
146 Praise the Lord! My Soul, O Praise Him!
280 Wondrous King, All-Glorious
This is the morning sermon for April 26, 2020
Suggested Songs:
244 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
115B Not unto Us, O Lord of Heaven
524 Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
This is the evening sermon for April 19, 2020
Philippians 2:5-11
Athanasian Creed 38-44
Suggested Songs:
336 O Sacred Head, Now Wounded
364 Alleluia! Alleluia!
374 All Hail the Power of Jesus' Nam
This is the morning sermon for April 19, 2020
Suggested songs:
31B “In Thee, O Lord, I Put My Trust”
429 “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing”
217 “My God, How Wonderful Thou Art”
This is the evening sermon for April 12, 2020
The scripture reference is Acts 13:26-39
Heidelberg Catechism, Lord's Day 17
Song suggestions to go along with the sermon found in the Trinity Psalter:
357 “The Day of Resurrection!”
16A “Preserve Me, O My God”
367 “Up from the Grave He Arose”
Gospel of Matthew
Gospel of Mark
Gospel of Luke
Gospel of John
Acts of the Apostles
1 Corinthians
1 Thessalonians
2 Thessalonians
2 Corinthians
1 Timothy
2 Timothy
1 Peter
Athanasian Creed
Belgic Confession
Canons of Dort
Church Officers
Drama of Redemption
Doctrines of Grace
Faith and Life
Heidelberg Catechism
Importance of the Resurrection
The Life of Elijah
The Ten Commandments
We Believe and Confess
Reformed Heritage
Rev. Drew Admiraal
Rev. Dr. Steven Baugh
Rev. Michael Brown
Rev. Dr. R S Clark
Rev. Angelo Contreras
Rev. Mihai Corcea
Rev. Jonathan Cruse
Rev. Stephen Donovan
Rev. Mika Edmondson
Rev. Dr. Bryan Estelle
Rev. Andrea Ferrari
Rev. Dr. J V Fesko
Rev. Dr. W Robert Godfrey
Rev. William Godfrey
Rev. Christopher Gordon
Rev. Dr. T David Gordon
Rev. Bill Green
Rev. Dr. Michael Horton
Rev. Jordan Huff
Rev. Daniel Hyde
Rev. Dr. Dennis Johnson
Rev. Dr. Hywel Jones
Rev. Zach Keele
Rev. Joel Kim
Rev. Dr. Joel Kim
Rev. Dr. Julius J Kim
Rev. Dr. Brian Lee
Rev. Brad Lenzner
Rev. Jonathan Moersch
Rev. Steve Oeverman
Rev. Charles Tedrick
Rev. Dr. Mark Thompson
Rev. Dr. Charles Telfer
Rev. Derrick Vandermuelen
Rev. Mark Vander Pol
Rev. Dr. David VanDrunen
Rev. Joshua Van Ee
Rev. Daniel Ventura
Rev. Phillip Vos
Mr. Drew Admiraal
Mr. Mihai Corcea
Mr. Daniel Cortez
Mr. Jordan Dahl
Mr. Nick Davis
Mr. William Godfrey
Mr. Jordan Huff
Mr. Taylor Kern
Mr. Ryan Kron
Mr. Brad Lenzner
Mr. Cole Lindsay
Mr. Steve Oeverman
Mr. Ben Phelps
Mr. Gavin Poe
Mr. Zac Reeves
Mr. Chris Smith
Mr. Chuck Tedrick
Mr. Mark Vander Pol
Mr. Daniel Ventura
Mr. Yi Wang