Thank you for your prayers and financial support of the mission to Italy
The Council (ministers, elders, and deacons) of Christ United Reformed Church (CURC) in Santee, CA (Rev. Ferrari’s overseeing church), extends its deepest gratitude for all who helped us meet our quarterly goal for financial support of Rev. Ferrari. Only a few weeks ago, we were approximately $4000 short of the amount needed for the first quarter. By God’s grace, and through the means of your prayers and giving, we were able to send the full amount of support on April 1. Soli Deo Gloria!
The church in Milan which Rev. Ferrari serves as pastor, Chiesa Evangelica Riformata ‘Filadelfia’ (CERF), is a small but growing congregation that is presently unable to fully support its own pastor. They are paying off the mortgage of their building and are only able to pay Rev. Ferrari about half of his needed salary to support his family of four. CURC is very pleased to support Rev. Ferrari each quarter, but continues to need the help of other congregations and individuals to shoulder the burdnen. We give thanks to God for every URCNA congregation and other indivuduals who have sacrificed and given of themselves in prayer and giving in order to help the gospel continue to make disciples in Italy.