T. David Gordon to preach and teach at CURC
Dr. T. David Gordon, Professor of Religion and Greek at Grove City College and minister in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), will preach in the morning worship service and teach adult Sunday school at Christ United Reformed Church on April 15.
In recent years, Dr. Gordon has written two important books on preaching and worship: Why Johhny Can't Preach: The Media Have Shaped the Messengers and Why Johnny Can't Sing Hymns: How Pop Culture Rewrote the Hymnal. He is also the author of numerous academic and popular articles in theological journals and magazines, as well as chapters in several books. Before becoming a professor at GCC, he served as pastor of Christ Presbyterian Church in Nashua, NH for nine years, and as a professor of Greek and New Testament at Gordon-Conwell Seminary and Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadephia. He holds M.A.R. and Th.M. degrees from Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia and a PhD from Union Theological Seminary in Virgina.
Dr. Gordon is well known for his exegetical abilities in the New Testament as well as his insightful teaching on media ecology. We look forward to his ministry to us on April 15.