Blog by Rev. Brown

Weblog by the former pastor of CURC, Rev. Michael Brown.

J.V. Fesko to preach and teach at CURC on October 28

This coming Lord's Day, which we traditionally recognize as "Reformation Sunday," we have the privilege of hearing God's Word proclaimed by Dr. J.V. Fesko. He will preach on Genesis 15 and the doctrine of justification. After the service, Dr. Fesko will teach a special adult Sunday school class on John Calvin and his view of justification over and against the Roman Catholic Church. Dr. Fesko is a min­is­ter in the Ortho­dox Pres­by­ter­ian Church (OPC) and Asso­ciate Pro­fes­sor of Sys­tem­atic The­ol­ogy at West­min­ster Sem­i­nary Cal­i­for­nia. He was ordained as a church planter in 1998 and was installed as a pas­tor in 2003, thus serv­ing in pas­toral min­istry for over ten years. He has also taught sys­tem­atic the­ol­ogy for Reformed The­o­log­i­cal Sem­i­nary for over eight years as a part-time pro­fes­sor. He has served on two com­mit­tees appointed by the Gen­eral Assem­bly of the OPC. His present research inter­ests include the inte­gra­tion of bib­li­cal and sys­tem­atic the­ol­ogy, sote­ri­ol­ogy, eccle­si­ol­ogy, and six­teenth– and seventeenth-century Reformed the­ol­ogy. He has authored sev­eral edi­fy­ing and help­ful books on the­ol­ogy, includ­ing Jus­ti­fi­ca­tion: Under­stand­ing the Clas­sic Reformed Doc­trine, Word, Water, and Spirit: A Reformed Per­spec­tive on Bap­tism, and most recently, a commentary on the book of Galatians. When asked what he hopes to instill in his stu­dents, Dr. Fesko says, “A pas­sion to pro­claim Christ and him cru­ci­fied in word and deed and to serve the church to the glory of Christ.”

Dr. Fesko has been a guest to our pulpit several times. We look foward to his visit with us, and hear­ing God’s Word brought to us from his servant.

To hear an inter­view with Dr. Fesko conducted by R.S. Clark, go here.