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We have a wealth of good Christian literature right here in our church library! You will find books to increase your knowledge of theology and to encourage you in practical Christian living. These include some of our favorite teachers such as the Rev. Dr. Robert W. Godfrey and the Rev. Dr. Michael Horton. We also have a good selection of the well-known reformed writers, like John Calvin,John Owen, John Murray, J.I. Packer andBenjamin Warfield. Some other contemporary writers include R.C. Sproul, John Piper and Sinclair B. Ferguson. We also have a small collection of audio cassettes, CD-ROMs and children’s books.
The library is available to all church members and adherents. It is open before and after the Sunday services. Library loans are on an honor system. Please consult the printed sheet pinned to the shelf, near the check-in box, for instructions on how to check out books.
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